regineering – engineers for science and research

The best working environment for smart minds

General contractor for complex buildings

Thinking and making sustainable energy.

Development of high technologies and special test benches

Research, science, passion.
What makes us special.
We combine the area of expertise that set us apart: Research and engineering. We are specialists in our field and we relish a challenge. We provide solutions for the complex challenges our customers set us.

Researchers need specially developed simulation environments to enable them to breed resistant plants, test company materials or study the medical responses of people under special conditions. We develop and build these climatic chambers, altitude pressure simulation rooms or other environmental simulation systems.

The construction or renovation of laboratories is technically demanding. The various gases and liquids as well as light, electricity and data connections have to be made available at the workplace. In the end, we offer safe workplaces that provide scientists and students with ideal conditions to develop new discoveries.

Research buildings are complex. Sometimes, they are also sustainable. We do both. We ensure that the diverse requirements placed on modern research buildings are implemented in a professional manner. This enables the users of the laboratories, research stations and other research buildings to fully exploit their knowledge for their research. We take care of everything else.

In the future, the world will generate 100% renewable energy - and this will happen sooner than you think. Thousands of researchers are developing new concepts to allow us to do this. We help them put these solutions into practice.
We are inventors and doers, thinkers and analysts. We are regineering. Get to know our team.