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We are regineering

regineering is made up of unique individuals.

Our team currently consists of around 100 employees and has grown strongly in recent years. The craftsmen, engineers, technicians, project managers and office staff are distinguished by their versatile skills and interests. And each one of us has a story to tell. Our experiences make us the people we are. Here, some of our team members share how they came to their professions and why regineering is just the place they want to be.

Stefan Innerhofer

Stefan Innerhofer

The desire for self-sufficiency

When you grow up on a mountain in South Tyrol - and the way to the next village is long - you have to get used to solving problems yourself. As a child, Stefan learned that it was possible to use a stream to generate electricity with a turbine, that energy from wood is sustainable and that the sun provides energy. The mountain farm where he lived was self-sufficient; only diesel had to be bought from elsewhere. Stefan refused to simply accept this. For his diploma thesis, he built a filling station for plant oils in the Bavarian town of Garching. This single project led to the founding of regineering in 2012. Today, the company deals with a virtually limitless spectrum of projects.

Beate Batz

Beate Batz

A good soul

While computer-based work was still in its infancy, Beate - a trained office clerk - opted to return from maternity leave to a computer course. In 2012, this desire for a new path led Beate to regineering via a newspaper ad. Since then, she has since been firmly in control of everything that goes on in the office and more. Among other things, she is responsible for human resources - a remit that led to her inadvertently inviting Ulrich for an interview. The latter promptly travelled all the way from South Africa: a development that Stefan Innerhofer was not especially thrilled about. In the end, however, Beate's famously good instinct proved itself once more, and the misunderstanding led to the hiring of the now deputy managing director.

Martin Bauch

Martin Bauch

Make everything you can yourself

Before joining regineering, Martin, a journeyman electrician, was happy in the small company he'd been at for 12 years. By chance, a friend drew his attention to regineering, and Martin was immediately intrigued. He thought long and hard about whether to apply. Finally, when he heard about the terraXcube project in Bolzano, he plucked up courage and took the plunge: "If I don't do this now, I'll regret it in two years. I wouldn't have minded if it went wrong, but I wanted to be there." As it turns out, Martin hasn't regretted it for a single day: he loves the challenge, the unconventional nature of the work and the variety. He is passionate about how much we can do for ourselves.

Johanna Hell

Johanna Hell

Simply a different approach to work

Many people in Preith recognise the regineering-branded vehicles, but most aren't aware of exactly what the company does. Johanna, a trained office clerk and business administrator, heard about a vacancy and read about the company on the website. She was impressed by the environmentally friendly philosophy, the sustainable products and the company building. In addition to the great working atmosphere and flat hierarchies, Johanna loves being able to learn new things each day and contribute her own ideas. Team outings and barbecues are the icing on the cake for the feel-good factor in the young team.

Thomas Wittig

Thomas Wittig

A tradesman with a passion

Construction sites have been a source of interest for Thomas since childhood - a natural development for the child of a civil engineer. Despite Thomas' original goals of becoming an aircraft mechanic, he opted to stick with the installation trade: he liked the complexity and enjoyed the work. After completing his education at the 'Meisterschule' (school for master tradesmen), the trained gas and water fitter headed back to the company where he'd done his apprenticeship - a place he felt truly at home.  When regineering was looking for an installer, Stefan Innerhofer knew that Thomas was the man for the job. After lots of persuasion, he succeeded in bringing him on board. Thomas has no regrets about his change of direction: the cross-trade work and the challenge are exactly what he was looking for.

Johannes Linn

Johannes Linn

The opportunity to thrive

Johannes always wanted to know exactly how things worked. Studies in physics opened up a broad range of opportunities for Johannes, and he worked at ZAE after completing his Master's degree. Johannes got to know Stefan Innerhofer and the company through a friend at regineering and ended up as a project manager in the R&D department following a very straightforward interview. There, he enjoys the freedom to choose his own areas of focus, implement his ideas and shape his own development. Johannes also appreciates the feel-good factor and ample chance to have fun at work.

Gregor Haid

Gregor Haid

Making things that endure

The appeal of trade work is the practical element. For this reason, after a few semesters of mechanical engineering, the trained metalworker was drawn back to practice: pure theory was not enough. Practical experience is exactly what he puts to use every day at regineering, where he has managed the workshop since 2017. He felt comfortable from the start and enjoyed the easy teamwork. Everyone at regineering takes pleasure in their work. Everything is done 100 per cent by regineering itself, and it's often necessary to look beyond the borders of one's own field. In return, you get projects that endure for decades: it's easy to have a sense of pride in the work.

Georg Luber

Georg Luber

You grow as you do

"That can't be all," thought Georg Luber upon completion of his training as a plant mechanic. His curiosity led him to study energy and building technology at a vocational school, and he was able to gain practical experience at one of the large German automotive companies. Stefan Innerhofer convinced him to join regineering in 2017. At regineering, Georg had to free himself from a deeply instilled reverence for rules and guidelines and learn to find pragmatic solutions on his own. This is constantly challenging, but also incredibly exciting: there are hardly any limits to what one can achieve. For those who are ambitious, curious and driven by the right motives, there are many potential paths to pursue.

Christof Innerhofer

Christof Innerhofer

A home office on the farm

Growing up on a farm, Christof discovered early on a desire to understand things and develop knowledge in various subject areas. After studying environmental and mechanical engineering, he gained his initial practical experience in the field of large diesel engines and electric vehicles. Today, the small farm - complete with animals, meadows and forest - is once again his home and sideline. Christof does most of the laboratory planning for regineering from his home office in South Tyrol. For him, working on the farm and as an engineer strikes a good balance; at least, he never gets bored. After work is done, Christof gets busy in the barn helping new calves enter the world.

Simion Goljovic

Simion Goljovic

Simion Goljovic

In his home country of Serbia, Simion attended a school for electrical engineering and learned how machines work and how they are built. This led him to study automation technology, after which he spent time developing software in the food sector and the field of cleanroom technology. Simion visited regineering in 2018 as part of a freelance project. There, he found regineering working on projects that no one had attempted before: sitting down together and figuring out how to solve things. Simion found this so inspiring that he decided to make the move from Belgrade to Eichstätt. He has been part of the team ever since, and enjoys contributing his expertise and learning new things each day.